network protocol and standard

network protocol and standard 
TCP - transmission control protocol
defines how to set up and control the conversation over the network via an application program can exchange data. it works as IP, which defines how computer sends packets of data to each other. is a connection-oriented- connection in a fixed position and maintain the application program at each end has finished exchanging message. (it guarantees that data will arrive in the proper sequence.)

miss:  use in internet 
breaks data onto packets 
each data have the ip of the sender and receiver 
as long as they go to correct receiver nda kira way nya 

IP - internet protocol
is a method, in which that the data is transfer from one computer to another on the internet. each computer also knows as host, on the internet has a unique IP address from all other hosts on the internet.

UDP - user data-gram protocol
provide one to one or one to many
it is unreliable (just send the data dose not care if the receiver is on or no ) 
example: whats app call.. it is ringing but the receiver didn't receive it.

APPLE-TALK - a set of LAN communication protocol originally created by apple computers. An Apple-talk network can support up to 32 devices and data can be exchanged at a speed of 230.4 kilo-bits per second (Kbps). Devices can be as much as 1,000 feet apart. Apple Talk's Data-gram Delivery Protocol corresponds closely to the Network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model.

802.2(logical link layer) use to translate message so that it will be understand by data link  layer. 

use in LAN, Cable...  NIC (network interface card)----> found in laptop, PC, router, printers
four types: 
1.10base-t Ethernet (10mb/s) - use long time ago, slow resolution
2. fast Ethernet (100mb/s) - nowadays we user this use blue cable
3. gigabit Ethernet(1000gb/s)
4. 10 gigabit Ethernet(10gb/s) - fastest, use optical fiber to connect   
FDDI -(fiber distributed data interface)
use two rings - purpose it is much more faster, message will be send direct,  if one cable is broken, still have the connection(backup )


802.5(token ring) - design to use ring topology and utilized a token to control the transmission for data on network. (use token to control the network )
how? the token go round - sender catch the token - then send the token - then receiver receive the token - then go back to sender to confirm the message is successfully send - then the token go round.

wireless technology

Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over part or all of the communication path.

infrared - Operate with reflection from light-colored surface

 E.g. remote television

 Dose not go trough wall, Short distance of communication,Need to  have transmitter and receiver

Bluetooth -

Bluetooth transfer data using a radio signal rather than cable to connect with cellphone or computer. Short time and length of communication standard. To connect each device, have to turn on both Bluetooth to exchange or transfer data, usually found in speaker, headset and many more

3G  - is the third generation of wireless technologies


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