activity for MSCP

Zara Online Shopping Website (Hazwan, Aiman, Khai, Farah)

1. Project conception and initiation
  • Propose a plan for a shopping website
  • Client: Clothing store Zara
  • The time frame of the project: 4 - 7 Months
  • The advantage of creating a shopping website to Zara
    • Promote business worldwide online
    • Expand their business online
    • For the convenience of the customers, who want to shop online
    • Cheaper than setting up a branch
    • Open 24/7
    • Provide shipping for busy customers so they don't have to go shopping.
    • No crowd
2. Project definition and planning
  • Resources
    • Computer
    • Software
    • Labour
    • Specialist - professional labour
    • Domain:
  • Budget: ~$10,000
  • Schedule
    • Planning - about 1 month (1 April - 1 May)
    • Designing website - about 1 month (1 May - 1 June)
    • Content writing & assembly - about 1 month (2 June - 2 July)
    • Develop website- about 2 months (4 July - 4 September)
    • Testing the website - about 2 weeks (5 September - 19 September)
    33. Project Launch

    Distribution of task
    Hazwan - design website
    Aiman - developer
    Khai - content writing
    Farah - Test website
    Hazwan - manager
      44.   Project performance and control
      Check progress ( % of the project completed) & project status of each task

      Need to adjust schedule or not? Need more time to write the content. Thus, extend the deadline for content writing and assembly.

      55. Project Close
      -Need more budget
      -Need better design
      -Need to communicate more with the client to prevent misunderstanding


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